1-DAY EXPRESS to all States except Hawaii and Alaska. (Order before 3PM today, get it tomorrow)
Deliveries are not available on holidays and weekends, Orders after 3PM on Thursday will be shipped on the following Monday or business day.
Special Discounted Shipping Rates for 1-Day Ground Delivery
We’re excited to offer discounted shipping rates for locations near our New Jersey warehouse that qualify for 1-day ground delivery.
Discounted Shipping Available Locations
Shipping Costs
1-DAY EXPRESS to all Provinces. (Some areas are not available for delivery due to their remote locations.) Order before 3PM today, get it tomorrow.
Deliveries are not available on holidays and weekends, Orders after 3PM on Thursday will be shipped on the following Monday or business day.
All package will be shipped via eco-friendly insulated cartons with insulated cool packs. As shipment will have its refrigerated temperature, products will be thawed.
If you are not going to consume immediately, please keep them in the freezer. Products before expiry will not have any defects as long as they are stored in the freezer.
Free 1 Day Express Shipping
$179.00 away
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$100.00 away
Free 1 Day Express Shipping
$179.00 away
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Keep refrigerated.
Consume within days.
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Scheduled Strawberry Harvest Date: February 18th, 2025
딸기 수확 예정일: 2025년 2월 18일
Order by February 19th, 2025 (until 1PM EST)
주문 마감일: 2025년 2월 19일 오후 1시 (미국 동부 기준)
To receive strawberries on February 20th, 2025
딸기 도착 예정일: 2025년 2월 20일
Only 2 days from the farm to your door!
수확 후 단 2일 만에 도착!
The strawberries will be harvested on February 18th, transported via airplane to JFK Airport (New York) on February 19th, and delivered to you on February 20th.
Please note:
The quality of strawberries is highly dependent on weather conditions. If the farm cannot harvest the highest quality strawberries due to weather, your order may be delayed or refunded.
주의: 날씨에 따라 수확이 지연되거나 환불될 수 있습니다.
If you order strawberries along with other items, they will be shipped together on February 19th, with delivery scheduled for February 20th.
다른 상품과 함께 주문 시, 2월 19일 발송 후 2월 20일 배송됩니다.
Enhanced Sweetness
14 Brix sweetness—10-20% higher than regular strawberries.
더 높은 당도: 일반 딸기보다 10-20% 더 달콤합니다.
Nutritional Powerhouse
Rich in vitamin C with 77.1mg per 100g—33.4% more than regular strawberries.
비타민 C 함유량: 일반 딸기보다 33.4% 더 풍부합니다.
Aesthetic Appeal
Conical shape, vibrant light pink hue, and superior gloss for a stunning appearance.
매력적인 외관: 독특한 원뿔형, 연한 핑크빛, 뛰어난 광택으로 시선을 사로잡습니다.
Nonsan's Strawberry Cultivation Environment:
논산의 딸기 재배 환경:
Geographical Location: Nonsan, located in Chungcheongnam-do, benefits from a mild climate and proximity to the West Sea.
지리적 위치: 논산은 충청남도에 위치하며 온화한 기후와 서해와의 근접성이 특징입니다.
Climate Conditions: Warm springs and summers, along with mild winters, create an ideal environment for strawberry cultivation.
기후 조건: 따뜻한 봄과 여름, 온화한 겨울로 딸기 재배에 최적의 환경을 제공합니다.
Soil Conditions: Nutrient-rich soil, especially the region's renowned bridge soil, supports high-quality strawberry cultivation.
토양 조건: 영양분이 풍부한 토양, 특히 유명한 다리토는 고품질 딸기 재배에 적합합니다.
Nonsan’s ideal environment helps produce Vitaberry strawberries of exceptional quality, ensuring delicious and nutritious fruit for consumers.
논산의 이상적인 재배 환경은 비타베리 딸기의 높은 품질을 보장하며, 소비자에게 맛있고 영양가 높은 과일을 제공합니다.
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