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Tongyeong Oyster Dumplings 통영 굴만두 21.06 oz. (600g)

Fresh Ocean Taste

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Regular price $14.00

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  • Authentic Taste of Tongyeong Oysters – Made with freshly harvested premium oysters from Tongyeong.
  • Balanced Flavor & Juicy Texture – A harmonious blend of oysters, tofu, and vegetables in a chewy dumpling wrapper.
  • Versatile Cooking Options – Enjoy it steamed, pan-fried, or in soups for a comforting meal.
  • Nutrient-Rich & Healthy – Packed with protein, Omega-3, and minerals for a nutritious choice.
  • No Artificial Additives – Pure, natural ingredients for a clean and fresh seafood taste.


Keep Frozen 0°F


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Flour, golden-threadfin bream(wild), squid(wild), pressed tofu, oyster, premix, onion, soybean oil, octopus(wild), crab stick, green onion, leek, konjac, dried radish, carrot, mihyang, oyster extract, sesame oil, garlic, brewed soy sauce, glutinous rice flour, oyster sauce, refined salt, white sugar, sweetened oil, ISP, Miwon, ginger, pepper powder, polyphosphate A205, maksarom, Nucleic acid I+G, mussel extract.

Contains: Wheat, Fish, Squid, Oyster, Mussel, Crab

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Tongyeong Oyster Dumplings 통영 굴만두 21.06 oz. (600g)

Premium Dumplings Made with Fresh Tongyeong Oysters
신선한 통영산 굴로 빚은 프리미엄 굴만두

Made with Freshly Harvested Tongyeong Oysters
& Wild-Caught Seafood
통영에서 갓 잡은 신선한 굴과 자연산 해산물로 완성한 깊은 맛

Tongyeong, Korea’s most renowned oyster-producing region, is known for its plump, sweet, and briny oysters, harvested from the pristine waters of the southern coast. To elevate the flavor, we’ve added wild-caught squid and octopus, bringing a fresh and natural seafood taste that takes these dumplings to the next level. The combination of juicy oysters, tender squid, and chewy octopus creates an unparalleled depth of umami, making each bite incredibly flavorful and satisfying.
한국에서 가장 유명한 굴 산지, 통영의 신선한 굴을 아낌없이 사용하고 여기에 자연산 오징어와 문어까지 더해 더욱 풍미 가득한 굴만두를 만들었습니다. 탱글한 굴, 쫄깃한 문어, 부드러운 오징어가 조화를 이루어 깊고 진한 바다의 감칠맛을 그대로 느낄 수 있습니다.

A Perfectly Balanced Filling with Premium Seafood
탱글탱글한 해산물과 부드러운 만두소의 황금 비율

Each dumpling is filled with a carefully crafted blend of fresh oysters, wild-caught squid and octopus, Korean-grown vegetables, and silky tofu, creating a perfectly balanced texture. The squid and octopus add a chewy and slightly briny bite, complementing the delicate creaminess of the tofu and the natural sweetness of the vegetables. Wrapped in a thin, chewy dumpling skin, these dumplings are perfect for steaming, pan-frying, or adding to soups.
굴만두의 속을 더욱 풍성하게 채우기 위해, 자연산 오징어와 문어를 함께 넣어 씹을수록 감칠맛이 배어 나오는 만두소를 완성했습니다. 신선한 해산물의 탱글한 식감과 두부의 부드러움, 그리고 국내산 채소의 자연스러운 단맛이 조화를 이루며, 찜·구이·국물 요리 어디에도 잘 어울립니다.

Nutrient-Rich & Naturally Delicious
영양 가득한 해산물 만두 – 건강한 식탁을 위한 선택

Oysters, squid, and octopus are naturally rich in protein, Omega-3, taurine, and essential minerals, making these dumplings an excellent choice for a wholesome and balanced meal. The unique combination of seafood and vegetables creates a dumpling that is both flavorful and satisfying.
굴, 오징어, 문어는 단백질, 오메가-3, 타우린, 미네랄이 풍부한 자연 건강식품으로, 몸에 좋은 영양소가 가득합니다. 신선한 해산물과 채소가 어우러져 맛과 영양을 동시에 만족시킬 수 있는 만두입니다.

Key Features:

  • Authentic Taste of Tongyeong Oysters – Made with freshly harvested premium oysters from Tongyeong.
  • Balanced Flavor & Juicy Texture – A harmonious blend of oysters, tofu, and vegetables in a chewy dumpling wrapper.
  • Versatile Cooking Options – Enjoy it steamed, pan-fried, or in soups for a comforting meal.
  • Nutrient-Rich & Healthy – Packed with protein, Omega-3, and minerals for a nutritious choice.
  • No Artificial Additives – Pure, natural ingredients for a clean and fresh seafood taste.

  • 통영산 프리미엄 굴 사용 – 신선한 국내산 통영 굴로 깊고 진한 바다향을 담았습니다.
  • 최적의 맛과 식감굴, 두부, 채소가 어우러진 감칠맛 가득한 만두소.
  • 다양한 조리법찜, 굽기, 국물 요리 어디에도 잘 어울리는 활용도 높은 만두.
  • 영양 가득한 건강식단백질, 오메가-3, 미네랄이 풍부한 웰빙 만두.
  • 무첨가물, 무방부제 – 자연 그대로의 신선한 해산물 맛을 그대로!

Enjoy the True Taste of the Sea!

Bring home the rich, savory flavors of Tongyeong’s finest oysters in these delicious dumplings. Whether steamed, pan-fried, or added to a warm soup, these dumplings will elevate any meal with their deep umami and satisfying texture.
통영의 바다를 그대로 담은 굴만두! 찜, 구이, 국물 요리로 다양하게 즐기며 깊은 감칠맛을 경험해 보세요.

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