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Handcrafted Korean Balloon Flower Root Jelly 수제 도라지 정과 3.5oz 5pcs (100g)

Healthy Snack Choice

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Regular price $14.00

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Handcrafted Traditional Korean Confection – Made from over 3-year-old medicinal balloon flower roots

Soft, Chewy Texture – Jelly-like consistency suitable for all ages

No Additives or Preservatives – Sweetened naturally with Korean rice syrup

Three Generations of Farming Heritage – Honest and trustworthy products from Cheonhosan Farm

100% Manual Production – Each piece is carefully crafted by hand over 15 days


Store in a dry and cool place.



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Handcrafted Korean Balloon Flower Root Jeonggwa – 3.5oz (100g)

Traditional Korean Sweet Treat from Cheonhosan Farm – A Delight for All Ages

Experience the chewy, jelly-like texture and natural sweetness of Kevin's Choice Handcrafted Balloon Flower Root Jeonggwa. Made from over 3-year-old premium medicinal balloon flower roots (Doraji) cultivated in the pristine foothills of Cheonhosan Mountain in Nonsan, South Korea, this traditional confection is carefully crafted without preservatives, using only domestically produced rice syrup. It's a healthy and delicious snack that can be enjoyed by both children and the elderly.

수제 도라지 정과 – 천호산 농원의 전통 간식 – 남녀노소 모두가 즐기는 맛있는 간식

충남 논산 천호산 자락에서 직접 키운 3년근 이상의 약도라지에 정성을 더해 만든 수제 도라지 정과를 만나보세요. 국내산 쌀 조청으로 만들어 방부제를 첨가하지 않은 건강한 단맛의 전통 간식입니다. 젤리 같은 쫀득한 식감으로 아이부터 어르신까지 누구나 맛있게 즐길 수 있습니다.

Handcrafted with Care by Three Generations of Farmers

Kevin's Choice Balloon Flower Root Jeonggwa is the result of dedication and honesty passed down through three generations at Cheonhosan Farm. Committed to producing trustworthy and authentic products, we cultivate precious ingredients in the blessed land of Cheonhosan and use only domestic raw materials. Our traditional methods aim to preserve the natural taste, allowing you to experience the genuine flavor of this Korean delicacy.

3대를 이어온 농부의 정직한 마음

천호산 농원의 도라지 정과는 3대째 이어온 농부의 정직한 마음과 정성으로 만들어집니다. 천혜의 땅 천호산에서 귀한 재료를 재배하고 국내산 원료만을 사용하여 전통 방식을 가미해 본연의 맛을 느낄 수 있도록 노력하고 있습니다.

Soft, Chewy Texture Unlike Traditional Doraji Jeonggwa

Traditional Doraji Jeonggwa can be hard and difficult for children and the elderly to enjoy. Kevin's Choice Balloon Flower Root Jeonggwa offers a soft, jelly-like texture that is easy to chew, making it a delightful treat for all ages. Each piece is handcrafted through a meticulous process that involves 100% manual labor, infusing the product with time and devotion.

젤리처럼 말랑말랑한 식감의 수제 도라지 정과

기존의 도라지 정과는 딱딱한 식감으로 아이와 어르신들이 드시기 어려웠지만, 천호산 수제 도라지 정과는 젤리처럼 말랑말랑한 식감으로 남녀노소 누구나 맛있게 즐길 수 있습니다. 100% 수작업으로 하나하나 정성껏 만들어 오랜 시간의 정성이 담긴 제품입니다.

Made with Homegrown Balloon Flower Roots and Korean Rice Syrup

We use balloon flower roots grown directly on our farm and sweeten them using only Korean rice syrup, eliminating any additives, preservatives, artificial colors, or sweeteners. This results in a healthy, natural sweetness without hardness. The harvested balloon flower roots are carefully peeled by hand to prevent damage, then soaked in syrup and dried over 15 days to create our handcrafted Jeonggwa.

직접 키운 도라지와 국내산 쌀 조청 사용

천호산농원의 도라지 정과는 직접 재배한 도라지와 국내산 쌀 조청만을 사용하여 첨가물, 보존료, 인공색소, 감미료 등을 일체 배제했습니다. 딱딱하지 않고 건강한 단맛을 만들어냈습니다. 수확한 도라지는 수작업으로 하나하나 손상 없이 박피하고, 15일 동안 당침과 건조 과정을 거쳐 정성을 듬뿍 담아냈습니다.

Key Features:

  • Handcrafted Traditional Korean Confection – Made from over 3-year-old medicinal balloon flower roots
  • Soft, Chewy Texture – Jelly-like consistency suitable for all ages
  • No Additives or Preservatives – Sweetened naturally with Korean rice syrup
  • Three Generations of Farming Heritage – Honest and trustworthy products from Cheonhosan Farm
  • 100% Manual Production – Each piece is carefully crafted by hand over 15 days

Usage & Storage

Enjoy as a healthy snack or traditional dessert. It's perfect for gifting or sharing with family and friends. Store in a cool, dry place, and consume soon after opening to maintain freshness.

사용 및 보관 방법

건강한 간식이나 전통 디저트로 즐겨보세요. 가족과 친구들에게 선물하기에도 좋습니다. 서늘하고 건조한 곳에 보관하며, 개봉 후에는 신선도를 유지하기 위해 빨리 드시는 것을 권장합니다.

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