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Authentic Korean cold noodle dish with a perfect balance of spicy and sweet flavors
Specially crafted sauce enhances the chewy texture of the noodles
Easy to prepare, bringing the taste of a Korean noodle house to your home
Ideal for a quick and satisfying meal, perfect for any season
High-quality product available at Kevin's Choice
Keep Frozen. 0°F
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Kevin’s Choice Bibim Spicy Cold Noodles (비빔 냉면) combine the perfect balance of spicy and sweet flavors with chewy, refreshing noodles. The secret lies in the specially crafted sauce, developed after extensive testing to deliver just the right harmony of heat and sweetness. This sauce coats the noodles beautifully, enhancing their chewy texture and providing a well-rounded taste experience. Whether you’re craving a quick meal or a refreshing dish in warm weather, these cold noodles bring the bold and authentic flavors of Korea to your home in just minutes.
케빈스 초이스 비빔 냉면은 쫄깃한 면발과 매콤달콤한 비법 소스가 조화롭게 어우러져 간편하면서도 맛있는 한 끼를 완성해 줍니다. 사계절 내내 즐기기 좋은 한국식 별미입니다.
One of the best ways to enjoy Bibim Spicy Cold Noodles is alongside Korean BBQ. The tangy, spicy sauce provides a refreshing contrast to the smoky, savory flavors of grilled meats. After a bite of rich, juicy BBQ, the cool, chewy noodles cleanse your palate, balancing out the richness and leaving you ready for more. This combination of textures and flavors offers the perfect way to elevate any Korean BBQ meal.
비빔 냉면은 특히 한국식 바비큐와 함께 먹을 때 최고의 조합을 자랑합니다. 매콤하고 시원한 면발이 바비큐의 풍부한 맛을 깔끔하게 잡아주어 입맛을 돋워줍니다.
Whether it’s a warm summer day or a cozy night in, Bibim Spicy Cold Noodles are perfect for any season. Ready in minutes, this dish is easy to prepare, offering a quick yet satisfying meal without sacrificing flavor. Simply boil the noodles, rinse with cold water, and mix with the sauce for an instant taste of Korea in your kitchen.
비빔 냉면은 간편하게 조리할 수 있는 빠르고 맛있는 한 끼 식사로, 언제 어디서나 한국의 맛을 느낄 수 있습니다.
케빈스초이스의 세일 소식과 뉴스를 받아보세요!