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Tiramisu Heaven
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Glutinous rice, Castella crumbs, Processed starch products, Black rice, Mascarpone, Glutinous Rice Flour, Sugar, Trims Powder, Coffee, Wheat Flour, Refined Salt
Contains: Egg, Soy, Milk, Wheat
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At the core of Kevin’s Choice Tiramisu Mochi is premium Korean glutinous rice (찹쌀) and non-glutinous rice (멤쌀), offering an irresistibly soft and chewy texture that sets it apart from ordinary desserts. These carefully selected grains create a mochi base that highlights the traditional craftsmanship of Korean rice cake making. The mochi’s authentic Korean roots are complemented by the use of French coffee, mascarpone cream cheese, and Dutch cocoa powder to deliver a luxurious, melt-in-your-mouth experience.
케빈스초이스 티라미슈 찹쌀떡의 핵심은 한국산 찹쌀과 멤쌀로 완성된 쫄깃하고 부드러운 떡입니다. 전통 방식으로 만들어져 진정한 한국 디저트의 정수를 담고 있으며, 프랑스산 커피와 마스카포네 크림 치즈, 네덜란드산 코코아 파우더가 더해져 입안에서 녹아드는 풍미를 선사합니다.
Each bite of Kevin’s Choice Tiramisu Mochi unveils a rich tiramisu cream filling crafted from premium French mascarpone and coffee. To complete the experience, the mochi is delicately dusted with high-quality Dutch cocoa powder, creating a perfectly balanced dessert that isn’t overly sweet. This elegant combination delivers a delightful harmony of flavors, making it the ideal treat to pair with tea, coffee, or simply enjoy on its own.
티라미슈 찹쌀떡 한입에는 프랑스산 마스카포네 크림 치즈와 커피로 만든 진한 앙금이 가득합니다. 또한, 고급 네덜란드산 코코아 파우더가 더해져 지나치게 달지 않고 고급스러운 디저트의 풍미를 완성합니다.
The mochi incorporates a layer of authentic castella cake made using eggs without any emulsifiers, preservatives, sweeteners, artificial colors, leavening agents, or flavor enhancers. This approach ensures the dessert is as pure as it is indulgent, offering a taste that’s both wholesome and sophisticated.
유화제, 방부제, 감미료, 인공 색소, 팽창제, 향미증진제를 사용하지 않고 달걀로만 구워낸 정통 나가사키 방식 카스테라가 더해져 풍부한 맛을 선사합니다.
Elevate your dessert moments with Kevin’s Choice Tiramisu Mochi, where traditional Korean craftsmanship meets luxurious European flavors.
케빈스초이스의 세일 소식과 뉴스를 받아보세요!