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Apple Water Jelly 사과맛 워터젤리 – 3.3oz (100ml)

Rich in Fiber & Probiotic

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Regular price $2.00

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  • Made with fresh Korean apples for a natural, fruity flavor
  • Contains dietary fiber and plant-based probiotics for added health benefits
  • Free from trans fats, artificial colors, and chemical preservatives
  • Portable packaging for convenience on the go
  • Ideal for kids’ snacks with rich vitamins and minerals
  • Certified HACCP, GAP, and organic – approved for school lunches


Store in a cool, dry place.


Enjoy as a snack or freeze for a refreshing sorbet-like treat.


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Apple Water Jelly 사과맛 워터젤리 – 3.3oz (100ml)
A Sweet and Healthy Snack for All Ages – Packed with Nutrition and Flavor

Apple Water Jelly 사과맛 워터젤리

Bursting with Sweet Apple Flavor and Nutrients

Treat yourself to the delightful taste of Apple Water Jelly (사과맛 워터젤리), made with fresh Korean apples and enriched with dietary fiber and plant-based probiotics. Each bite delivers a burst of sweet, fruity flavor that kids and adults alike will love. This jelly is perfect as a snack or a light dessert, combining delicious taste with wholesome nutrition.
한국산 사과로 만들어진 워터젤리는 식이섬유와 식물성 유산균을 함유하여 건강까지 생각한 간식입니다. 입안 가득 퍼지는 달콤한 과일맛이 자꾸만 손이 가는 특별한 젤리를 만나보세요!

waterjelly for kids 아이들 영양 간식

Healthy, Convenient, and Kid-Friendly

With no trans fats, artificial colors, or chemical preservatives, Apple Water Jelly is a clean and safe choice for your family. The portable packaging makes it easy to enjoy on the go, while the rich vitamins and minerals ensure it's an ideal snack for kids' nutrition. Approved for school lunches, it's crafted under strict hygiene standards to meet HACCP, GAP, and organic certification requirements.
트랜스지방, 인공색소, 화학보존제가 들어 있지 않아 안심하고 드실 수 있습니다. 영양이 풍부하고 휴대하기 쉬운 포장 용기로 아이들의 간식으로도 최적화된 제품입니다. 학교 급식 위생관리를 통과하여 아이들에게 더욱 믿을 수 있는 간식입니다.

Refreshing and Fun to Eat

For an even more refreshing treat, freeze Apple Water Jelly to enjoy its tangy, sherbet-like texture. The soft, bouncy jelly becomes the perfect icy snack on hot days, providing a cool and sweet way to recharge.
냉동실에 보관 후 드시면 젤리가 샤베트처럼 변해 더욱 시원하고 탱글탱글한 식감을 즐기실 수 있습니다. 더운 여름, 달콤한 사과 맛으로 기분 좋은 휴식을 즐겨보세요!

Key Features:

  • Made with fresh Korean apples for a natural, fruity flavor
  • Contains dietary fiber and plant-based probiotics for added health benefits
  • Free from trans fats, artificial colors, and chemical preservatives
  • Portable packaging for convenience on the go
  • Ideal for kids’ snacks with rich vitamins and minerals
  • Certified HACCP, GAP, and organic – approved for school lunches

아이와 어른 모두가 좋아하는 달콤한 사과맛 워터젤리로 건강하고 맛있는 간식을 즐겨보세요!

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