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Chewy Spicy Kick
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Small octopus(wild caught), Sauce(wheat flour, syrup, refined salt, sugar, refined water, red chili powder, seasoned spice products, minced garlic, monosodium glutamate, minced onion, pepper powder, paprika extract color, disodium 5’-inosinate)
Contains: Soybean, Wheat
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Packed with 81% Wild-Caught Small Octopus – Bold & Spicy Korean Stir-Fry
낙지 함량 81%! 자연산 낙지가 풍성하게 들어간 매콤한 하남 낙지볶음
This Korean-style spicy stir-fry features an incredible 81% wild-caught small octopus, ensuring every bite is packed with fresh, chewy, and flavorful seafood. Known for its naturally sweet, briny taste and tender texture, the small octopus absorbs the sauce perfectly, delivering deep umami flavor with every bite.
낙지가 무려 81% 함유되어 있어 풍성한 해산물 맛을 그대로 즐길 수 있습니다! 자연산 낙지 특유의 쫄깃한 식감과 감칠맛이 살아 있어, 한입 베어 물 때마다 깊은 바다의 풍미가 퍼집니다.
This dish is seasoned with a savory, spicy-sweet Korean marinade, featuring a well-balanced blend of soy sauce, garlic, Korean red chili powder, and aromatic spices. The sauce clings to the octopus, creating an irresistible smoky, umami-rich flavor with just the right amount of heat. The addition of paprika extract enhances the color, making it as appetizing as it is delicious.
고춧가루, 다진 마늘, 양파, 간장, 감칠맛을 살리는 향신료가 완벽하게 어우러진 특제 양념! 낙지에 깊숙이 스며들어 불향 가득한 매콤한 맛을 그대로 살려줍니다. 불판에서 볶아내면 더욱 깊고 풍부한 맛을 즐길 수 있습니다.
Pre-marinated and ready to cook, this seasoned small octopus allows you to prepare an authentic Korean spicy stir-fry in minutes. Simply stir-fry in a hot pan, and it’s ready to serve! Perfect over steamed rice, noodles, or as a topping for bibimbap, it’s an easy way to enjoy a restaurant-quality seafood dish at home.
해동 후 팬에 볶기만 하면 완성! 낙지볶음이 간편한 조리 과정으로 완성되며, 갓 지은 밥 위에 올려 비빔밥으로 먹거나, 면 요리에 곁들이면 더욱 맛있게 즐길 수 있습니다. 집에서도 빠르고 손쉽게 정통 한국식 해산물 볶음을 만들어보세요.
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