1-DAY EXPRESS to all States except Hawaii and Alaska. (Order before 3PM today, get it tomorrow)
Deliveries are not available on holidays and weekends, Orders after 3PM on Thursday will be shipped on the following Monday or business day.
Special Discounted Shipping Rates for 1-Day Ground Delivery
We’re excited to offer discounted shipping rates for locations near our New Jersey warehouse that qualify for 1-day ground delivery.
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1-DAY EXPRESS to all Provinces. (Some areas are not available for delivery due to their remote locations.) Order before 3PM today, get it tomorrow.
Deliveries are not available on holidays and weekends, Orders after 3PM on Thursday will be shipped on the following Monday or business day.
All package will be shipped via eco-friendly insulated cartons with insulated cool packs. As shipment will have its refrigerated temperature, products will be thawed.
If you are not going to consume immediately, please keep them in the freezer. Products before expiry will not have any defects as long as they are stored in the freezer.
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Enriched with zinc and Vitamin B1
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Store in a dry, cool place.
Enjoy as a snack or freeze for a refreshing sorbet-like treat.
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Indulge in the delightful taste of Tangerine Apple Water Jelly (감귤사과 워터젤리), made with fresh Korean tangerines and apples. Enriched with zinc and Vitamin B1, this jelly offers a perfect blend of bright citrus and natural sweetness while delivering essential nutrients. Both kids and adults will love this fruity, energizing snack that keeps you coming back for more.
한국산 감귤과 사과로 만들어진 워터젤리는 아연과 비타민 B1이 풍부해 건강을 생각하며 달콤한 과일의 풍미를 즐길 수 있는 간식입니다. 입안 가득 퍼지는 감귤과 사과의 조화로운 맛이 매력적인 젤리입니다.
Tangerine Apple Water Jelly is crafted without trans fats, artificial colors, or chemical preservatives, making it a safe and wholesome snack for your family. With its portable packaging, it’s ideal for busy days or on-the-go enjoyment. Approved for school lunches, it meets HACCP, GAP, and organic standards, ensuring exceptional hygiene and quality.
트랜스지방, 인공색소, 화학보존제가 전혀 들어있지 않아 안심하고 드실 수 있습니다. 한국산 감귤과 사과로 만들어 건강하고 안전하며, 휴대하기 편리한 포장으로 언제 어디서나 간편하게 즐길 수 있습니다. HACCP, GAP, 유기농 인증으로 믿을 수 있는 품질을 제공합니다.
Freeze Tangerine Apple Water Jelly for an icy, sherbet-like treat that’s perfect for hot days. Its soft, bouncy texture transforms into a refreshing dessert, offering a fun and cooling way to enjoy its fruity flavors.
냉동실에 보관 후 드시면 젤리가 탱글탱글하고 샤베트처럼 변해 더욱 시원하고 상큼한 감귤과 사과 맛을 즐길 수 있습니다. 여름철 간식으로 안성맞춤입니다!
Key Features:
감귤사과 워터젤리로 건강과 달콤함을 동시에 즐기세요. 아이들과 어른 모두를 만족시킬 완벽한 간식입니다!
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